21:9 resolutions

VD September 09 2021

21:9 Resolutions and Its Benefits

What are 21:9 resolutions? Have you ever noticed black horizontal bars at the top and bottom edges of your screen when watching a movie or video? It happens because of something known as the 21:9 aspect ratio resolution. Do you not know what it is? No problem, we will explain everything about monitors with 16:9 resolutions or 21:9 resolutions shortly, so fasten your seat belts and let's start our trip.

21 9 resolutions

Definition of Aspect Ratio: 21:9 resolutions

The term “aspect ratio” is self-evident to some extent of screen or display. You may think it must be a ratio between two parameters of monitor, and here those parameters are width and height, so it's the ratio between width and height of a display. From this definition, you can conclude that there should be multiple aspect ratios, and you are right about that since there are 4:3, 16 9 resolution, and 21:9 resolutions.

Some of you should already know about the 4:3 aspect ratio. It was the standard size for conventional screens until it was replaced by 16by 9 resolutions. These days, the 16 9 screen resolutions is mainstream, as most TVs and monitors have this size. But if you do not know about the 21:9 aspect ratio resolutions, then you are missing out on a lot.

21:9 resolutions, also known as the ultrawide screen, are gaining popularity among tech-savvy people. But besides a more comprehensive display, what are the other benefits of the ultrawide screen, and should you upgrade from 16 9 resolutions to 21 9 resolutions? Let’s find out.

12 9 vs 16 9 resolutions

Ultrawide 21:9 Resolutions

Let's break the 21:9 res down for easier understanding. Resolution is the pixel density of the screen. The ultrawide 21 9 screen has more pixels spread in width (horizontally) as compared to all 16:9 resolutions. For example, consider that a 16:9 monitor has 1920 x 1080 resolution, then the same size 21:9 screen will have a resolution of 2560 x 1080, meaning that more pixels are spread in width.

Other than 2560 x 1080, 21:9 also supports 3430 x 1440 and 5120 x 2160 resolutions.


Benefits of 21:9 Resolutions  

There are multiple benefits of 21:9 aspect ratio resolutions but first, let me tell you about its benefits precisely for gamers and gaming in general. With the quick uprising of ultrawide screens, companies are designing their games to support 21 by 9 resolutions. The ultrawide display gives players in game a more expansive display and allows them to see more of the map when playing the game.

Besides the broader field of view, if we look at the visual quality, even then, 21x9 resolutions are more appealing to the eyes because games with intense graphics looking much better on wide screens.

Competitive gaming fans will be disappointed here because most competitive games do not support 21:9 display. But in some competitive games, these screens can offer you some benefit due to their field of view and enhanced graphic quality. 

Another point that you must be aware of is that these screens need more power, so if your computer processor is on the lower end, then using these monitors will affect the framerate.

21:9 resolution screens offer a higher refresh rate, enhanced visuals, and a broader field of vision than their counterpart 16:9 resolution monitors. But these monitors cost a massive amount of money because mostly only tech-savvy enthusiasts are buying them.

Pros And Cons Of The 21:9 Aspect Ratio Video

Other Benefits of 21:9 Resolution Monitors

These ultrawide 21 9 displays are not just good at providing you great graphics and visuals. More horizontal space to work means increased efficiency. You have more space to work and can multitask by opening two or three files in adjacent windows. This feature has made life easier and more productive, especially for artists like graphic designers and video editors.  They have to multitask by using multiple software products to complete their tasks.

Other than that, the 21:9 resolutions monitors have another great benefit for the movies having an anamorphic format. These movies weave an illusion for the viewers to give them a 360-degree view. This illusion immerses the audience deeply in the film and gives them the impression that they are inside the movie. Such movies are often used in theme parks, cinemas, theaters, and museums.

Even the regular films you watch at home look stunning on all 21:9 resolutions ultrawide screens. Most movies are created with a widescreen layout, so there is no fear of the black horizontal bars appearing on your screen. But some of the television series will be in 16:9 format, and you might have to see the black bars when watching some of the shows.

With all this explanation you will definitely be able to make the right choice when it comes to the screen resolutions of your next big screenby.